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Previous Reviews

The 2019 report reflects the articulations and expectation of the WSCUC 2013 Handbook of Accreditation. UC San Diego's 2010 and 1998 reports were prepared within the context of WSCUC Core Commitments and Standards of accreditation in effect at the time. Please see below for our reaffirmation letters, institutional reports, and other documents pertaining to previous reaffirmation of accreditation reviews.


2020 Reaffirmation of Accreditation

UC San Diego’s accreditation was last reaffirmed in 2020 and was the result of a rigorous multi-stage process, which included:

2010 Reaffirmation of Accreditation

During the 2010 reaffirmation process, UC San Diego chose four self-study themes. Three resulted from emphasis on a model of continual educational improvement and the fourth, grew out of discussions through forums such as the Council on Undergraduate Education:

  1. freshman writing
  2. foreign language instruction
  3. undergraduate program review
  4. information literacy

Report of the WASC Visiting Team Educational Effectiveness Review

WASC 2010- Reaffirmation of Accreditation Letter

The Commission requested an interim report by November of 2012 with updates on the progress made in the assessment of student learning outcomes and incorporating learning assessment into the academic program review process.

WASC 2012- UC San Diego Interim Report

WASC 2013- Response to Interim Report

1998 Reaffirmation of Accreditation

WASC 1998 Reaffirmation of Accreditation Letter

1998 Self Study

The Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Sponsored a series of workshops held during the 1995-1996 academic year to develop a new process for reaffirming the regional institutional accreditation of major research universities that would meet the need for public accountability while being more relevant, useful, and economical for the campuses. A Salient feature of the proposed process that came out of these workshops was allowing universities to concentrate their self-studies on areas that "address topics that are consistent with the institution’s own strategic issues and plans" while paying special attention to the "quality of undergraduate education." The proposed "New Visit Model" also allowed universities like UCSD to complement the topical studies with a separate "data portfolio" that would enable WASC to "assess and affirm an institution's compliance with the broad intent of the current standards."

During the reaffirmation process, five topics stemmed from broad campus discussions and were sanctioned by the Academic Senate leadership. The campus formally proposed the topics to WASC in January of 1997. So unlike past self-studies that have presented a comprehensive, integrated portrait and overall evaluation of UCSD, the core of the 1998 self-study for the Reaffirmation of Accreditation was comprised of five standalone studies of specific areas of concern:

  1. a review of assessment with regard to undergraduate outcomes and campus climate
  2. self-studies of the five extant undergraduate colleges
  3. how, and how well, the campus's academic departments are fulfilling their responsibilities for educating undergraduates
  4. how, and how well, the campus is dealing with transfer students from community colleges and other four-year institutions
  5. computer and communication technologies as they affect instruction.